
Group of about a dozen people in safety vests standing at a Lake Michigan bluff, listening to the director give instruction
photo of open box of cut rock core
Department of Energy, Environment, and the Great Lakes

MGS Awarded State Funding for First Time in Over Three Decades

"We are pleased to see a funded Michigan Geological Survey, which will help EGLE better protect the environment and the public. We look forward to their future support in the area of geologic review and research." - Adam Wygant, State Geologist (EGLE)

Michigan’s Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE), Natural Resources (DNR), Agricultural and Rural Development (MDARD), Office of Great Lakes (OGL), and Transportation (MDOT) have identified local societal issues and priorities necessitating comprehensive geologic data. Leveraging the State’s largest collection of geological samples and data at the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE), the Survey addresses water, energy, climate change research, and fosters the training of future geoscientists. With new annual funding, the Michigan Geological Survey is poised for a promising future.


Headline News

photo of Dr. Autumn Haagsma presenting at national CCUS 2022 Meeting as Chairperson
Assistant Director Co-Chairs National Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference

Autumn Haagsma, MGRRE’s Director, co-chaired a national Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) conference in Houston. More than 1400 participants met to share ideas about climate change, carbon storage, and moving the...

YouTube thumbnail displaying images of various outdoor locations, the Michigan Geological Survey logo, and the text, "Exploring Michigan"
Follow Along with Our Geologic Points of Interest YouTube Series

This captivating video series takes you on a virtual journey through the breathtaking landscapes and fascinating geology of our beloved state. We uncover the hidden gems and geological wonders...

Photo of Dr. Lloyd Schmaltz, holding a rock and standing in front of a chalk board while speaking
In Memory of Dr. Lloyd Schmaltz 1929-2023

In 1965, the Department of Geology was created after its division from Geography. Dr. Lloyd Schmaltz was the first Chair of the department and remained a part of the department until 1987. Dr. Schmaltz designed the geology curriculum...

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Core Workshop: A Detailed Review of Potential CCUS Caprocks in Michigan | May 13-15, 2024 | Kalamazoo, MI

decorative photo of open boxes of rock core

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