MGRRE Content
MichCarb was established in the fall of 2009 as a center for research and education, focused on geological carbon sequestration, a technology for capturing and permanently storing carbon dioxide below the ground in geological formations. MichCarb is funded by the United States Department of Energy and is a project of the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE) at Western Michigan University’s (WMU) Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences.
MGRRE houses the largest collection of subsurface data and rock samples in Michigan, and MichCarb is using these resources to develop digital research databases for Michigan’s deep geological formations. The centrally located data and rock samples are helping scientists assess the potential for geological carbon sequestration in Michigan and to plan appropriate projects. The results of the projects and research conducted by scientists at MGRRE will be used to develop new technologies which have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep consumer energy prices low while creating new jobs in a high-tech industry.
MichCarb Research Projects
MGRRE at Western Michigan University has been involved in many carbon sequestration related research projects. Former graduate students in WMU’s Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences worked alongside professors Dave Barnes and Bill Harrison. Some of the research was part of MichCarb, while other projects were funded by the United States Geological Survey, private industry and other programs.
- Jonathan Garrett investigated the stratigraphic reservoir characterization and conducting modeling of the Niagara-Lower Salina reef complexes of the Michigan Basin.
- Zaid Nadhim conducted high resolution petrophysical characterization of the Silurian Lower Salina Niagaran pinnacle reef complex reservoirs using wire-line logs.
- Matthew Rine used a combination of chemo-, bio-, and sequence stratigraphy to resolve the chronostratigraphic relationships of Niagara-Lower Salina reef complexes throughout the Michigan Basin.
Progress Reports
MichCarb was a time-limited project that has since ended. Although no further reports are anticipated, we have provided the reports below for historical reference.
- 2009: December
The following multimedia resources are recommended to those interested in educating themselves further about climate change and carbon capture and storage:
- Bellona, Aug. 17, 2009: Carbon capture and storage and a solution to global warming
- Berkeley Lab, July 30, 2009: Mitigating climate change by injecting CO2 underground
- British Geological Survey, Feb. 9, 2009: BBC interview with Dr. Mike Stephenson, head of energy, British Geological Survey
- CCS Education, June 27, 2008: CCS and global climate change
- Earth Institute Animated Learning Series, July 1, 2009: Carbon capture sequestration and reuse (animation)
- Global CCS Institute, July 7, 2009: 2009 G8 summit in Italy
- Global CCS Institute, Nov. 6, 2009: Accelerating CCS
- Google Tech Talk, Oct. 23, 2008: CCS: Hype or hope?
- Michigan State University Symposium on Bioeconomy and Global Climate Change, April 26, 2010: Dr. Dave Barnes discusses carbon sequestration in Michigan
- National Energy Technology Lab, March 19, 2009: Carbon capture and storage regional partnerships
- NPR Science Friday, Oct. 13, 2008: Carbon sequestration cereal demo
- Stanford University, Oct. 29, 2009: Carbon sequestration
- United States Department of Energy, Sept. 10, 2009: Geologic carbon sequestration: A path toward zero emission energy from coal
- Unknown, Feb. 27, 2009: Introduction to CO2 capture and storage technology
- Your Alberta, July 7, 2009: Carbon capture and storage in Alberta (animation)
- Zero Emissions Platform, Jan. 27, 2010: The hard facts behind carbon capture and storage
- Zero Emissions Platform, Jan. 27, 2010: Safe storage: Closing the carbon loop
MichCarb and the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education at Western Michigan University recommend the following resources to those interested in connecting with state, national and international organizations that are developing data, technology and educational materials about greenhouse gases, the environment, carbon capture and storage and additional energy production.
Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory
The National Energy Technology Laboratory is a science, technology and energy laboratory owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. As part of the DOE’s national laboratory system, NETL supports DOE’s mission to advance the national, economic and energy security of the United States.
Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership was formed to assess the regional technical potential, economic viability and public acceptability of carbon sequestration. The MRCSP region consists of seven contiguous states: Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The MRCSP includes more than 30 organizations from the research community, energy industry, universities, non-government and government organizations.
Related Organizations
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
A ministerial-level international climate change initiative, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum is focused on the development of improved cost effective technologies for the separation and capture of carbon dioxide for its transport and long-term safe storage.
Environmental Protection Agency
The United States Environmental Protection Agency is an agency of the U.S. federal government which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.
International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Program
The International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme is an international collaborative research programme established in 1991 as an implementing agreement under the International Energy Agency. The IEAGHG evaluates technologies that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions derived from the use of fossil fuels.
NatCarb is a project that explores geological sequestration of carbon through linking geological and emission databases from several regional centers into a single interactive mapping system.
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships
The Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships are a nationwide network of universities, national laboratories, private industries, state agencies and other related interest. Established by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory, the RCSPs help develop the technology, infrastructure and regulations to implement large-scale CO2 sequestration as one option for mitigating climate change.
MichCarb and the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education at Western Michigan University recommend the following publications, presentations and conference proceedings to those interested in learning more about carbon capture and sequestration, climate change and energy production.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Datapages/Search and Discovery
- “Geological Sequestration Capacity in the Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone: Assessment and Feasibility in the Michigan Basin, USA”
- “Geologic Storage Field Demonstrations of the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership”
- “Hydrothermal Dolomitization of Fluid Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin, USA”
- “Stratigraphic Control on the Lateral Distribution of Hydrothermal Dolomites away from Major Fault Zones”
International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme
- 2015 technical reports, general publications, Greenhouse News, information papers, technical reports
Pittsburgh Association of Petroleum Geologists
- “Geological Carbon Storage in the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone: Regional Assessment to Site Characterization and Feasibility, an Example from the Michigan Basin”
- “The Effects of Hydrothermal Mineralization on Rock Properties and Reservoir Quality in Paleozoic Carbonate Reservoirs, Michigan Basin, USA”
United States Congress
United States Geological Survey
- “A Probabilistic Assessment Methodology for the Evaluation of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage”
- Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Climate Change”
- “Public Review Draft: A Method for Assessing Carbon Stocks, Carbon Sequestration, and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the United States under Present Conditions and Future Scenarios”