Mudlogs and Wireline Logs

Mudlogs and Wireline Logs

The Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education at Western Michigan University archives oil and gas well information obtained through remote sensing. Most wells are represented by wireline logs, also called electric logs. Some wells also have mudlog records.

Wireline or electric logs

Data obtained by remote sensing is used to infer rock type, porosity, permeability and many other reservoir characteristics. There are hundreds of wireline types, some of which have proprietary names.

MGRRE archives wireline logs from more than 16,000 oil and gas wells. These were donated to us by the oil and gas industry. The MGRRE wireline log collection spreadsheet  lists the well’s location, API number, permit number, logging operator, depth and wireline log type. Some of these logs have been scanned and are available as TIFF format images.

If you would like to order digital copies of wireline logs, please send an email to Jennifer Trout and list the API number for each well and the log type requested. We will then email those to you along with a statement. For more information about fees for digital data, please see our facility resources and fees.


This geologic record shows how long it took to drill through the rocks, what the rock types were and gas readings for the entire well. Oil and gas shows are usually displayed on the log.

MGRRE archives mudlogs from more than 4,400 oil and gas wells, all of which have been scanned and are available as TIFF images. The listing of MGRRE’s collection of mudlogs provides each well’s location, permit number, API number, logging operator, depth intervals logged and range of formation logged. With few exceptions, the mudlogs at MGRRE have gas chromatographs intact, making this a valuable exploration tool.

If you would like to order digital copies of mudlogs, please send an email to Jennifer Trout and list the API number for each well. We will then email those to you along with a statement. For more information about fees for digital data, please see our facility resources and fees.